What’s In Store For Your Love Life?: A Tarot Reading

D. L Bester
3 min readMay 24, 2023

June 2023 Romance Reading ❣️💘💌

Photo by Ouassima Issrae on Unsplash

I am so excited to be using my new Buffy the Vampire Slayer tarot deck. This is my favorite show of all time so when I saw they were coming out with a deck, I had to grab it!

This is just a general reading. This reading is timeless. I understand Tarot is not for everyone, I appreciate your understanding and kindness.

Before we get started here is a link to my wonderful podcast:) with new episodes every Wednesday.

How this reading works…

Start by taking a deep breath, and think about only positive things if you can. Choose a number:

1–3 below:)

Group One

Photo by Philippe Murray-Pietsch on Unsplash

6 of Steaks / Wands Reversed

This card represents feeling a lack of confidence, this can also come from hating to…



D. L Bester

mother, wife, podcaster, tarot reader and a hint of sunshine…🌳